
Jatoba boards known as Brazilian cherry are very hard, wear and tear resistant

Jatoba boards known as Brazilian cherry are very hard, wear and tear resistant

Mix of exotic wood in our warehouse

Mix of exotic wood in our warehouse

Monkey Pod (Suar) large slab with transparent resin

Monkey Pod (Suar) large slab with transparent resin

1.030 EUR 1.140 EUR
Pochote by the family name Pachira quinata is a medium-hard wood with a pink-red core

Pochote by the family name Pachira quinata is a medium-hard wood with a pink-red core

The red-brown Teardrops is made from a single piece of the Parota trunk

The red-brown Teardrops is made from a single piece of the Parota trunk

Monkey Pod (Suar) Tear is a design table with only one base

Monkey Pod (Suar) Tear is a design table with only one base

Monkey Pod (Suar) boards for furniture production

Monkey Pod (Suar) boards for furniture production

Giant cross 2 meter section of Monkey Pod also known as Suar
Best from our stock

Giant cross 2 meter section of Monkey Pod also known as Suar

An interesting cross monkey Pod (Suar), which has a breathtaking brown-gold core
Best from our stock

An interesting cross monkey Pod (Suar), which has a breathtaking brown-gold core

Guatemalan tiger with transparent resin
Best from our stock

Guatemalan tiger with transparent resin